Okay, so you tested playback of your video and noticed slow playback speeds a/o your video is buffering. Before you set the panic mode to ON and before you open (yet another) support ticket, please read this article, and try to figure it out is it really the Publitio issue or it is something within the possible (and common) internet connectivity issues or your videos is just being cached to the local server.
First of all, Publitio infrastructure is global which means we have multiple data centers with many servers around the globe, and when you access video or image via link https://media.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 you (and end visitors) are directed to closest server in order to maximize performance. This also means if you encounter playback speeds within certain location, video is probably playing normally to visitors from other locations. You can check individually different locations via following url's :
- https://media-us.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 United States (New York) data center
- https://media-sf.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 United States (San Francisco) data center
- https://media-eu.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 Europe (Amsterdam) data center
- https://media-eu2.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 Europe (London) data center
- https://media-as.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 Asia (Singapore) date center
- https://media-in.publit.io/file/tummy.mp4 Asia (Bangalore) date center
To test multiple locations for your videos or images, just change in URL media. to media-us. etc.
Slow speeds/buffering may occur because of multiple things -
- Mainly internet connectivity - this is one of the often reasons why your videos are too slow/buffering. This includes entire internet backbone, your ISP, our hosting infrastructure provider and is beyond our help a/o support.
- Excess use of browser extensions - antiviruses, vpn, firewalls, adblock can affect the slow speed of your videos.
- Different browsers - making sure video plays videos on every device and every possible browser is challenging. Things can (and will) change/break. It's still can be just an small percentage/permille of the playbacks.
- High load - it may happen our service is experiencing high load in the moment. Till we spin off more servers via load balancers please try to be patient. Best you can do is to subscribe to monthly plan - in this way you helps us to scale up to even more data centers.
- Caching of files - When video is first time visited, this is a moment when slower speeds/buffering may occur on our part - and this is normal/expected behavior - especially in Europe and Asia.
Note on caching: when you upload videos, they need to be cached on first visit to visitors' closest server (we have servers in New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam, London, Singapore and Bangalore). This is the only time when slower speeds/buffering may occur as we stream videos directly from original object storage in order to make them instantly available. This caching may happen again in 7 days if video is not accessed frequently and it gets purged from the servers.
Note for HLS videos: HLS videos require key exchange before they are played, so this is additional server request that can add time to video playback. Also try to avoid API call to get video url, instead make videos public and copy/paste iframe/source html codes or links to m3u8 links directly to your pages.
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