ACCOUNT WARNING: your files will be deleted due to inactivity
Starting September 2022, all user accounts that we don't see any activity (no login & no API usage) for more then 6 months, will receive series of account warning emails during period of 30 days - requiring simple login to an account - in order to avoid files purge process (this is NOT account deletion, but files deletion for freeing up storage space). After 30 days of warning, inactive accounts will enter another 30 days grace period after which, if no login nor activity happen, those accounts will be marked for files deletion (purge) process.
To avoid any of this, simply login to with your account email (or use any api key / token associated with your account) to mark you account as active.
We require this process, in order to free up storage space and reduce our infrastructure bill. Over time, over 60.000 accounts where created on site, many just consuming some storage space, forgetting about the service and becoming inactive. Simple login or some type of API activity to will mark your account as active, and account will be skipped from this files purge process.
Please note, even if account files are purged (deleted), that account can still re-activate and use service in the future, by uploading new files, and any capacity bought via ltd campaigns sales will be intact.
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