If you want to know how to calculate the additional monthly price for bandwidth or storage, you can make an estimate price here: https://publit.io/pricing/calculator
With Publitio's pay-as-you-go usage for bandwidth & storage, you have unlimited capacity available while paying only for what you have used at a fraction of the cost compared to a leading cloud storage provider.
Additional usage pricing starts at $0.035/GB of storage space and $0.075/GB of bandwidth and the following pricing tiers apply:
This is the extra monthly price per gigabyte of additional storage used:
First 50 GB: included in the plan
Next 0-10 TB: $0.035 per GB
Next 10-50 TB: $0.030 per GB
Next 50+ TB: $0.025 per GB
This is extra monthly price per gigabyte of additional bandwidth used :
First 100 GB: included in plan
Next 0-1 TB: $0.075 per GB
Next 1-10 TB: $0.065 per GB
Next 10-50 TB: $0.055 per GB
Next 50-100 TB: $0.045 per GB
Next 100+ TB: $0.035 per GB
You can find detailed information about the Premium plan here: https://publit.io/community/blog/introducing-publitio-premium-plan-and-pay-as-you-go-pricing
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